About Me
My Story

David D. Edgington is the founder and Executive Director of Compassionate Counselors in Phoenix, Arizona since 2004. He has also been a Senior Pastor since 1992 and is currently the Preaching Pastor at Christ’s Community Church in El Mirage since 2012.
He is a former Professor of Biblical Counseling, Theology and Pastoral Ministry at Trinity Theological Seminary and Visiting Professor at Minsk Bible College in Belarus.
He has trained hundreds of church leaders and Pastors in other countries in Nouthetic Counseling (Poland, Czech Republic, Russia, and Belarus)
He is happily married to his wife Diann, and has 4 sons, and 5 grandchildren.
Dr. Edgington is certified with the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors (formerly the National Association of Nouthetic Counselors – “NANC”) since 1995. This is an organization committed to the authority and sufficiency of the Scriptures. Furthermore, Dr. Edgington is also certified with IABC (International Association of Biblical Counselors) since 1996.
David has a PhD in Theology, a Master of Divinity in Pastoral Theology & Expository Preaching, a Master of Arts in Theology and a Bachelor of Science in Engineering. He was a Mechanical Engineer prior to God calling him into ministry.
His Doctoral Dissertation was on “The Gracious Affections for the 21st Century Church” which examines the integral nature of “Light and Heat” in Preaching and in Counseling.
He is the author of 4 Published books:
The Beauty of Biblical Meditation
Romancing Your Savior and Your Spouse
All are available on Amazon