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Compassionate Counseling.
Biblically focused.

The crisis at hand

Yes, we believe there is a crisis at hand. It is not just an opportunity, or a challenge, or a situation needing adjustment. We are convinced that there is a huge need that should be biblically and compassionately addressed here in Metropolitan Phoenix, across the USA and around the world.

How can we Begin to Address this Issue?

We believe the Lord Jesus Christ has raised up Compassionate Counselors, Inc. (CCI) to strengthen the local church and help people glorify God in their lives.
We have four areas of focus and concentration as a ministry:

  • Biblically Counsel with compassion and mercy to hurting individuals
  • Supply Training for the local church, organizations and individuals
  • Offer Chaplaincy services to Christian-owned businesses
  • Provide Resources to find books, materials and other media services

The Convictions of Compassionate Counselors

Why do we believe this ministry is important and needed? Here are our convictions and beliefs on each of the above four points:

  • A Ministry that will Counsel people Biblically and emphasize compassion and mercy to hurting individuals.
  • A Ministry of Training the Church in Counseling
  • A Ministry that will provide Chaplain resources to businesses and organizations
  • A Ministry that will provide Resources in Counseling

Nouthetic Counseling

Nouthetic Counseling is the type of counseling that is most faithful to the authority and the sufficiency of Scripture. It aims not merely at external behavioral change like most counseling does, but it aims to change the heart (Mk. 7:21-23; Prov. 4:23). The man of God is changed by the Word of God being applied by the Spirit of God.

Resurgent Warriors

This is an invitation only online men’s group for men who have suffered from a Reviling Wife and Cowardly Pastors & Counselors. This is for men who have been knocked down yet are rising as in Romans 6:4. These are men who have endured severe afflictions & uncommon trials, and are in need of hope, strength and courage to withstand the onslaught of the enemy (Joshua 1:6; Psalm 119:67 & 71)

Scripture is our Authority

We believe the Bible to be the inspired, the only infallible, authoritative Word of God. It is fully sufficient to address any and every problem of living.

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We Have Over 20 Years of Experience

David D. Edgington is the founder and Executive Director of Compassionate Counselors in Phoenix, Arizona since 2004.  He has also been a Senior Pastor since 1992 and is currently the Preaching Pastor at Christ’s Community Church in El Mirage since 2012.

Providing the Highest Quality Biblical Counseling In the Phoenix


I am so thankful to have a counseling ministry in town that counsels the way I do: with exclusive use of and reliance on the infallible, inerrant Word of God. Compassionate Counselors, Inc. has now stood the test of time over five years and in the positive results of many from my own congregation who for one reason or another wanted to counsel with someone outside our congregation. I fully endorse and stand behind CCI.

 – Pastor Bill Phillips, Fellowship of Grace, PCA, Peoria, AZ

The world is a dangerous place for Christians. Our biggest problem, though, is our own sinful hearts that are so “prone to wander” from God’s path. Many of us become wounded warriors in the daily dodging of the fiery darts of the world, our own flesh, and the devil. As a missionary, and trainer of missionaries, I’m frequently shepherding our people towards those that are qualified life coaches; qualified through training in counseling coupled with experience in the healing application of God’s Word to common problems. Compassionate Counselors, Inc. is one of the places we trust when the struggles of life get bigger than normal for our missionaries.

  – David Sitton, President, To Every Tribe Ministries, Los Fresnos, TX

I have known David Edgington for fifteen years and I can wholeheartedly recommend his ministry as a compassionate and gifted counselor. His understanding of the Word of God and his discernment concerning the heart needs of man blend together to give him great insight and ability to apply the Word of God to the complex issues of life. The ministry of Compassionate Counselors is an organization you can trust for your own needs and also recommend to your friends.

 – Dr. Robert Somerville, Professor of Biblical Counseling, The Master’s Seminary, NANC Fellow, National Board of Directors of NANC, Santa Clarita, CA

My first “face to face” interaction with Dr. David Edgington was in 2004; it was somewhere over the Atlantic Ocean as we were making our way to Minsk, Belarus to teach Biblical Counseling to the students of the Minsk Bible College. Though I had not personally met Dr. Edgington at that point, we had been in communication with each other and had agreed to work together with the International Leadership Academy (a division of Campus Crusade for Christ) to provide training to young Christian leaders from the former Soviet Union. During the next several weeks in Minsk Dr. Edgington and I spent the vast majority of our time together, teaching and discussing Biblical Counseling, theology and life in general. Since our first interaction Dr. Edgington and I have had numerous conversations via phone, email, and then a few years ago, a second trip to Belarus teaching at the Bible College. Through these many hours of personal conversation and serving together, I have grown to love and appreciate Dr. Edgington. I have had significant conversations with David that provided me insight into his love for the Lord, solid commitment to the Scriptures and his competency in biblical counseling. I consider him a friend and skilled biblical counselor. I would personally encourage anyone to seriously consider Dr. Edgington as one of the best biblical counselors and instructors available.

  – Dr. Dayton Kitterman, NANC Fellow, Senior Pastor of Faith Community Church, Visalia, CA

People have problems. That’s a normal part of human life. And we do lots of things to address our problems. Unfortunately we often fail to address them at the deepest level – the level of the heart. Thus, any changes that occur are not nearly as deep and transformative as they could and should be. Compassionate Counselors is effective because they help link up people’s hearts with the One who knows our hearts and thus is in the best position to help us truly change them. I’m thankful to our Lord for their ministry and gladly recommend them.

Pastor Vermon Pierre, Senior Pastor of Roosevelt Community Church, Phoenix, AZ

Cornerstone Church has partnered with Compassion Counselors for more than three years in a variety of ways. More than simply a great resource for our church, David has proven himself to be a strong co-laborer in the gospel. As we have walked with David and his ministry, we have seen the Savior use him to help several of our members with everything from addiction issues, to major marital matters, to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. David’s high view of God, his Spirit-directed approach, and his commitment to using the living and active Word to illuminate heart issues are why Cornerstone Church supports Compassionate Counselors both financially and relationally. We are blessed to have such a strong partnership in the ministry of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

  – Doug Troyer, Pastor – Cornerstone Church

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